Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Wretched Man Syndrome

 Song:  I am Free, praise the Lord I am free; No longer bond; no more chains holding me.  My soul is resting, It just a blessing, praise the Lord Hallelujah I am free!

 Tell me something:  If we have decided to walk w/ God; if we have decided to serve God; if we have decided to represent God, then are we not ‘free in deed’?  Then can someone please explain to me why in the world do we still cling to the ‘wretched man syndrome’?  I know we are human, but do we not serve the risen savior?  I know we are human, but hasn’t our gracious father equipped us with an array of weapons w/in our spiritual arsenal to not only wage war, but promised the victory?  I know Satan roams the earth seeking whom he can destroy; but do we not house the Holy Spirit that is just as powerful as Satan?  Then why, please tell do we always fall short?  Why, are we still submitting to the flesh if we have chosen to follow the Lord?  Is this not a sign of lukewarm behavior?

It would seem that we Christians have succumbed to the terminal disease which is eating away at us from within and it is only curable by God.  But wait!  Did he not already handle this matter?  If I am not mistaken Jesus said for us to ‘go and sin no more’.  What has happened?  Why are we not utilizing that which is available to us?  Why do we continue to turn to this sinful nature especially when Christ dwells in us?  Or does He?  Apparently there is some much needed re-evaluation and repenting that needs to take place.

If we are truly ‘called by Christ’, truly serving the Lord, truly dedicated to the cause of saving souls for the Lord, then we cannot continue to fall back on this scripture of being ‘just human’ --  it’s a copout.  We cheapen his death and resurrection, because we have not yet taken hold to our purpose; we have not truly accepted our calling whole-heartedly; we have not truly ‘totally submitted’ to Christ and we do a terrible injustice of representing Him.  The power to live a righteous life resides within us for He equipped us for the job while we were yet in our mother’s wound.  So tell me – no, tell the Lord, what is it exactly that is preventing you from fulfilling your obligations?  Why can’t you be on your job the way Satan is on his?  Do you not have the power to overcome any and everything put before you?  Did God not supply you with his grace, mercy, and strength when he embraced you in His love?

Why have we yet to embrace His love?


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