Tuesday, March 25, 2014

ScandaMania Skanks


In today’s society SCANDAL sales and the individual who can create the most gossip with some outlandish or unorthodox statement that is totally disruptive and disrespectful to the average woman will be at the top of her/his game – well that is the media consensus of the overflow of skanky representation that has been going on in 2013.  Yes, it has been going on longer, but this year seems to have put the audacious acts of nudity to a new level of whoredom.  Let’s take a look at the reigning skank-a-danks of the year:  Miley Cyrus twerking her works; Rihanna show’s us all ‘how to be a whore in her videos and patting her va-j-j, marking it with the dollar sign; Lady Gaga butt-crack; tricky Nicki Minaj’s boob exclusive and finally let us not forget the seeded devil Robin Thicke and how he calls for the scandal in the music, risqué picture where his hand is fondling the butt of Lana Scolaro and the feminist video (his words)  of ‘Blurred Lines’. 

Well there are no blurred lines to me and all of these ‘artists’ have crossed the line on inappropriate and lewd behavior and should be censored.  Speaking of censorship, what has happened to that department which monitored what could be released into public?  There was a time when simply implying promiscuous behavior was inappropriate, now it seems to be the norm not to only imply, but provide a visual ‘how to’ for the unimaginative viewers.  I must agree with Rashida Jones article in Glamour entitled The Pornification of Everything as well as Rhiannon L. Cosslett article in The Guardian:  This is a fleshy, naked emergency – pop stars are too sexy for our kids.  Our kids are emulating these boo-bacious slut-like images and it is not okay!  The time has come for us to speak out and say, ‘this is totally not acceptable and demand that such lewdness be censored’. 

What can we do?  Well, Change.org has a petition in effect to change the laws on dehumanizing women in videos.  Our children are the future and if we continue to desensitize them with these wanton videos then the moral value of/and self worth of our youth will plummet to zero.  There are so many more artists I could have listed, but these are up for awards this season and thought it worthy to acknowledge such.  Let’s make it our business to police what our kids are being exposed to; let’s take a stand and not allow females to be exploited any further; people, let’s take a stand!


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