There is much to be said about the
disposition of every individual, the state of the family, the shape of the
nation, and the condition of the world. Like
congress, we seem to be at an impasse on how to move forward because we are so
caught-up in appearances, being entertained, and living in the world for the
moment through instant gratification. We
are so caught-up to the point where we have taken our eyes off God because he
does not move according to how we think He should move. Blame is being placed on this party, that
party, the government, the preacher, the deacon, the doctor, the lawyer, the
secular; yet, we fail to accept our part in it all. Whether it is a sin of omission or a sin of
commission; from doing too much, too little, too late! Some way or the other we failed to make a
choice and take a stand for the Lord. We
failed to choose our battles carefully, seek God’s council and take that stand
that is essential to allowing our light to shine so that we may draw all men
unto the Lord.
At what point will we take this
‘spiritual warfare’ seriously? When will
the church wake up and get back on the battlefield on behalf of the Lord? What will it take for the Church to realize
that Satan is on a mission and He does not mind taking prisoners and turning
them into his minions to do his bidding an oh how busy they have been wrecking
havoc in the Lords’ house, making a mockery of the Lord’s name and taking the
Lord’s name in vain. It is no wonder why
it is such a challenge to get others to come to Christ. Look at or listen to the news: preachers sleeping with boys, confusing them
and scaring them immensely; preachers sleeping with every woman in the church
except his own wife; preachers sleeping with wives and daughters; preachers
having children out of wedlock and then denying them their rightful name;
preachers stealing from the storehouse to appease their own greed and lustful
desires; preachers who have swollen-up in pride and taken the Lord’s name in
vain and completely forgotten about the Lord all together!
The church is under constant attack
in various forms – internally as well as externally – and the devil has carte blanche
and utilizing every arsenal within his weaponry. Yet, let us not forget that we too have an
arsenal of weapons provided to us by the Lord.
Do you know what they are? Are
you familiar with the way they work? Are
you serious about your stand for the Lord and serving in his Army? Well then, what are you doing?