Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Woman's Worth

There is something wrong with society and it has been for awhile now.  Although we have progressed in general we are many miles away from unity, peace…love.  My mind is boggled by the fact there is so much disrespect for other people…particularly for women.  Are we not the threshold to life?  Are we not human?  Are we not nurturers?  Do we not bleed?  Then why in the Hell are we so despised and disrespected by men, by other women…by ourselves?  How is it that we can accept the negative opinion of others over a positive opinion of ourselves?  How is it that we as women can believe the lie that we are worthless when in fact WE ARE PRICELESS?  Why do we allow temporary circumstances and situations determine our outcome?  Why do we not believe in our own capabilities and strength?  Why do we allow the abuse, the neglect, the disrespect, the disloyalty?  We are Women and WE CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER!

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