Friday, September 19, 2014

Teen Ingrate

Everyone has an opinion on matters which disturb our souls so I must chime in on the sixteen year old Vincent Parker who was recently sentenced for killing his parents in December 2013 – less than a week away from Christmas.  Some believe the killings were due to academia meltdown since he was an honor student. I am sure his parents encouraged him to strive for excellence.  Some believe it was lack of discipline because he could not handle having his iPod taken away by his father.  He retaliated because he lost access privilege for disobedience of some sort. He claimed it stemmed from his father taking his iPod and stuff, but never admits to why it was taken.  It is the “and stuff” which concerns me.  He is so cunningly smart, yet he is unable to articulate the exact reason for his rage leaving family to speculate while in mourning.  I say this was a premeditated act because this MAD CHILD thought about this all day, plotted how to take his parents down, came home angry, waited for his mother to get out of the bathe, smashed her face beyond recognition, left the house then returned (obviously gone through the rites of passage of learning to drive, obtaining a driver's license, or well on his way to) to wait for his father's return and repeat the hideous crime.  A True psychotic ingrate!  Whatever happened to 'honor thy father and thy mother’?  Why do teens think parents don't understand, but will follow a total stranger?  As parents we are guardians over our children which mean we guide and prepare them to rightfully take their place in society while protecting them from all harm.  We provide a safe haven for you to develop and mature and in the process we shall sometimes say NO, to your requests and desires for good cause – we are trying to protect and guide you from a grave mistake.  Trust us enough to know that we only have your best interest in mind.  Vincent Parker did not trust his parent’s judgment and brutally murdered them for (speculative speaking) rejecting him coming out as gay.  

What caught my attention is the fact that he came out as gay.  Society is pushing this banner 'it's okay for teens to be gay' and many people do not believe that to be so. Such a banner confuses our children even more so and by them experimenting with emotions that one has not yet learned to obviously control always leads to disaster. Vincent Parker had experienced the 'ultimate temper tantrum' that ended THREE people lives. Wayne & Carol Parker, his parents are gone from this earth forever and he shall never come to recognize his potential or experience the life his parents had imagined and planned for him.  Well prison life is not a walk in the park as Vincent shall come to learn for all those privileges he felt entitled to have been revoked and his future experiences of being gay shall be a rude awakening.

Spare the rod spoil the child is how I was raised, but I learned from other siblings discipline as well as my own.  Parents believe that they must give their children every opportunity they were denied or failed to experience, but when we give our children everything it stifles their growth and cripples them to believe they do not have to work for anything and that they are entitled.  It makes them believe they have a right, when in actuality they are given far too many privileges and they become ungrateful.  They take advantage of our kindness.  Parents must make changes, cut back on giving kids so many things; make them work for some of those items and avail them to some humbling experiences like volunteering at shelters, nursing homes, hospitals and other humbling causes which will build their character while they make a positive difference in the lives of less fortunate.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Woman's Worth

There is something wrong with society and it has been for awhile now.  Although we have progressed in general we are many miles away from unity, peace…love.  My mind is boggled by the fact there is so much disrespect for other people…particularly for women.  Are we not the threshold to life?  Are we not human?  Are we not nurturers?  Do we not bleed?  Then why in the Hell are we so despised and disrespected by men, by other women…by ourselves?  How is it that we can accept the negative opinion of others over a positive opinion of ourselves?  How is it that we as women can believe the lie that we are worthless when in fact WE ARE PRICELESS?  Why do we allow temporary circumstances and situations determine our outcome?  Why do we not believe in our own capabilities and strength?  Why do we allow the abuse, the neglect, the disrespect, the disloyalty?  We are Women and WE CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER!