There is a scripture that reminds us to look after the elderly and don't think they are not useful just because they are older, not as active or have become ill...they still have something to offer. Too often we forget about the elderly. They could be our parents or some relative, but most often they are our neighbors who have retired from the workforce and now all they seem to be able to do is watch the grass grow (or so we believe). I had a neighbor to suffer a major stroke, but prior to that Bea (not his real name of course) was always busy working in his yard and remaining active. He had so much time on his hand and seemed to be enjoying himself for the most part. However, I failed to realize that he maybe lonely and in need of company. I was always too busy. Anyway, Bea suffered a stroke and his son found him in time, but his brain had been without oxygen for sometime and now Bea is in a nursing care facility. However, when I visited him there did not seem to be much care going on because Bea was without a bed, mattresses were on the floor and pillows were thrown all across the room. A couple of the aides said he liked to strip, but in all honesty that was not the case at all. Once a person suffers a stroke they become sensitive to clothing being on their skin (per my mother) so their clothing must be chosen carefully. Also, it was hot as a sauna in that room!
I opened his windows, had the aides assist in adjusting him on his mattress and sat down beside Bea and began to tell him how much he was missed in the neighborhood and how his garden was blooming. I only had planned to stay for thirty minutes, but the visit turned into two hours easily. I was there when his lunch came so I decided to feed him. I had already been informed by his son that he did not have much of an appetite, but he managed to get a few spoonful of mashed potato's and gravy down, but he was not feeling the brussel sprouts at all. He was more than thirsty and had two helpings. Bea is strong and has a will to get better. It was just so sad to see him in this state.
Let us not forget the elderly, there is so much they still have to offer. Take time out to visit the nursing home and converse with them. Take time out to visit an elderly neighbor for a cup of coffee or tea. Let them know that you are concerned for their well being. Let us not forget the elderly.