The Twitter zone for Sportsville, USA was hot with concerned tweets amongst the players who were in danger of elimination from scholarships because they would no longer have the opportunity to show forth their skills on the fields and courts because school sports programs are on the cutting block due to budget cutbacks and dare I say mismanagement and the school system claiming to have no other alternative. Nia was sick of the digital hopeless whining and she found herself in the zone ‘tweeting for a cause’. ‘This is your wake-up call; the time has come that you stop believing that Sportsville is the only avenue out of your predicament that leads to college. All of you athletes are just spoiled brats and the time has come for you to earn some of the privileges that you have taken for granted far too long. If you all truly believe that scholarships are the only way out, than rally, take a stand, and make your concerns known by contacting your school board members and urge them to find money for the cause. Phone and email your representative in congress for them to ‘bailout the school systems’ the same way the bailed out the banking system that has ripped-off American citizens for decades! (That’s another story for later.) Better yet, why not use the brain you have been blessed with and buckle down on your studies, seek out tutors and study partners to improve your chances on attaining better grades here on out which will enable you to improve your scores on college entrance exams and eliminate the remedial classes for the first two semesters of college! It is not impossible to achieve greatness through academia. As a matter of fact there are greater opportunities of achieving success in academia than there is in is acquiring a sports scholarship. Case in point -- consider those athletes who are not chosen for the draft picks for the holy grail sports scholarships.’
There were countless responses that expressed their disdain for the non-athletic opinionated diva’s comment; but, there were just as many positive responses wanting Nia to spearhead a rally and serve as spokesperson. Nia was exasperated by the responses. ‘Hold those tweets! This is not my war because I do not even qualify as a sports fan. I just wanted you all not to lose hope and let you know that there are avenues yet to be considered in addressing the issue at hand. I am sure there are more than enough athletes and concerned sports fans warranted for the cause and willing to take the lead in rallying Sportsville’s plight. Was it not the founding fathers who rallied for America and all that it stands for? Speaking of leaders, maybe those six-figure salaried school employees and overly compensated elected representatives would be willing to volunteer 25% of their salaries to the cause. Do not be fooled by their modesty, those fat cats are quite healthy and it would not hurt them a bit to curb their financial appetites! Besides, since they are willing to sacrifice the educational system (once again) by laying-off school teachers which is already a dwindling breed, I am sure trimming the fat from their salaries, expense accounts and glorious benefits package would not bring about the end to their existence. What have they accomplished anyway other than wrecking havoc over the budgets? There comes a time in all of our lives when we must take a stand and allow our voices to be heard. What I have done however is provided you with the list of elected representatives for this venue. I would also suggest that the athletics club seek the assistance of sponsors and it really would be wise to focus on the studies and increasing emphasis on those weak areas. Good luck and Adieu!